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IMG_3472.DT & RR LT
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PTAS Sponsoring QLD WaterAid Ball Program

PTAS was proud to be the program sponsor of Qld WaterAid Ball – 2019 “A Night at “the Oscars”. WaterAid Aust CEO, Rosie Wheen’s impassioned presentation ensured we recognised how fortunate we are in Australia, and how much of a difference our modest investment makes to many others.

We share the belief that clean water and sound water management is a foundation for changing lives for good.

And, it was a great for Craig and Ryan to get out of the Hi-Vis to have a terrific night with their wives, Carolyn & Erin, joining Donovan & Andrea, Peter & Linda, Sue & Allan.   The ball was well attended with many  friends from other industry partners at the Brisbane City Hall..


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